Published: 10th May 3:22PM
Minecraft is a game of infinite possibilities where players can mine resources, build structures, and explore vast landscapes. It also includes a robust crafting and enchanting system which allows players to create and upgrade a wide array of tools and weapons. Among these tools are the shears, which are primarily used for gathering wool from sheep and leaves from trees. A common question asked by many Minecraft enthusiasts is: “Can you enchant shears in Minecraft?”
The Enchanting System in Minecraft
Before addressing the specific question of enchanting shears, let’s first understand Minecraft’s enchanting system. Enchanting is a mechanic that augments armor, tools, weapons, and books with one or more of a variety of “enchantments” that improve their existing abilities or imbue them with additional abilities and uses.

Enchantments can be added to items through the use of an enchanting table, anvil, or grindstone, and they require experience levels and lapis lazuli. Different items can be enchanted with various enchantments, with each item having a specific set of enchantments that it can receive.
Can You Enchant Shears in Minecraft?
The short answer to the question is yes, shears can be enchanted in Minecraft, but with a few caveats.
As of the knowledge cutoff in September 2021, shears can’t be enchanted directly on an enchanting table like many other tools. However, they can be enchanted indirectly using an anvil and an enchanted book. The enchantment that can be applied to shears is the ‘Unbreaking’ enchantment.
The ‘Unbreaking’ enchantment increases the durability of the shears, meaning they can be used more times before they break. This enchantment can be extremely beneficial, especially when you’re harvesting a large number of leaves or collecting a lot of wool from sheep.
How to Enchant Shears with an Anvil and Enchanted Book
To enchant shears with an anvil and enchanted book, follow these steps:
- Craft an anvil and an enchanted book with the Unbreaking enchantment: Crafting an anvil requires three blocks of iron and four iron ingots. Enchanted books can be found in the game world or traded from villagers, and the level of the Unbreaking enchantment on the book can vary.
- Open the anvil interface: Place the anvil on the ground and right-click on it. This will open the anvil interface.
- Place the shears and the enchanted book on the anvil: In the first slot of the anvil interface, place the shears. In the second slot, place the enchanted book with the Unbreaking enchantment.
- Enchant the shears: If you have enough experience levels, you can click on the shears that appear in the result slot to enchant them with the Unbreaking enchantment.
While Minecraft’s enchanting system does not allow for shears to be directly enchanted on an enchanting table, they can still be enchanted with the Unbreaking enchantment using an anvil and an enchanted book. This provides an extra level of longevity to your shears, allowing you to gather more resources before they break. This mechanic adds another layer of depth to the game, allowing players to make the most out of their tools and enhancing the overall Minecraft experience.

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