EliteGamerInsights.com GDPR Privacy Policy

At EliteGamerInsights.com, we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of our visitors to our website. In particular, we want you to know that we are not in the business of selling, renting, or trading email lists with other companies and businesses for marketing purposes. We just don’t do that sort of thing.

1. Information We Collect

We collect and process personal data about you when you interact with us and our website and when you purchase goods and services from us. The personal data we process includes:

  • Your name
  • Your marketing preferences, including any consents you have given us

2. How We Use Personal Data

We process this personal data for the following purposes:

  • To fulfil a contract, or take steps linked to a contract, including processing your order and providing the purchased goods or services to you;
  • As required by EliteGamerInsights.com to conduct our business and pursue our legitimate interests, in particular, we will use your information to provide the purchased goods or services to you and to respond to any comments or complaints you may send us;
  • For purposes which are required by law;
  • In rare circumstances, we use your personal data for other reasons and will ask for your consent for this.

3. Your Rights

Under the GDPR, you have the right to access, rectify, port, erase your data, and to restrict and object to certain processing of your data. This includes:

  • where you have agreed to our use of your data, but wish to withdraw your consent;
  • where we use your data for our legitimate interests, but you believe this impacts your fundamental rights and freedoms.

4. Contact Us

If you have questions about how EliteGamerInsights.com handles your personal data or need to exercise your rights, please contact us at [email protected].

5. Changes to This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. If we decide to change this privacy policy, we will post the updates here.

This policy was last updated on 13/05/2023.