Published: 20th August 1:57PM
Since Call of Duty MWIII Zombies was confirmed, Zombies fans have exploded with excitement. With the shake-up of the Zombies mode – occurring in an open-world 60-minute map, people have been asking if more traditional weapons will appear. The Raygun is a fan-favourite Zombies weapon, and be excited – we’re sure the Raygun is in MWIII Zombies.

How to find the Raygun in MWIII Zombies
Like all previous Zombies maps and modes, the Raygun has been available in the Mystery box. We expect this rendition of MWIII Zombies to be no different. While we don’t know how much it will cost to hit the mystery box in MWIII, we anticipate it to cost the typical 950 points as it has in previous Zombie modes.
When did the Raygun Come Out?
The Raygun was first seen in Call of Duty World At War, which was released in November 2008. Since the WAW release, the Raygun has become a part of Zombies culture, with everyone dreaming of fetching it from the box.
How much Ammo In The Raygun?
While it’s unconfirmed, we expect the standard Raygun to hold 20 rounds as it did on all previous Raygun variations across the Black Ops World.
Does the Raygun Have Splash Damage?
We expect the raygun to have splash damage in MWIII Zombies. In previous titles, the Raygun takes 4-6 splash shots to down you, so be careful of your toes!
Is the Raygun Good in MWIII?
While we’re unable to confirm, traditionally the Raygun has one-hit zombies up until round 15-20, and from there the Pack-A-Punched Raygun has delt an even stronger blow.

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